Fagstoff och nyheter

TimeCard team

Big project provided invaluable experience “I learned so much more.”


Fresh from higher education and after just a few months of employment with the company, Martin Karlsson and Rasmus Lindberg were given a big opportunity with the chance to manage a major new project – Monitor need a new app to record time and work retroactively.

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Anton Bergström, Monitor

From advanced technology to cable routing – all in a day’s work for Anton


Anton Bergström loves life at Monitor There are always new challenges to overcome. "We’re not afraid to try new things. At Monitor, everything is within reach,” he says.

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Hazal Kiliç

From Istanbul to Monitor Support


Meet Hazal Kiliç, 24 She grew up in Turkey, studied in Istanbul and Gothenburg and now lives in Hudiksvall. Hazal is always keen to learn new things and try new challenges.

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Kenneth Jansson and Thomas Bodell

Å utvikle i utvikling – en arbeidshverdag med Monitor


Møt Kenneth Jansson og Thomas Bodell, langvarige ansatte hos Monitor. Deres historier spenner fra travle arbeidsnetter drevet av gratis hamburgere til å veilede de yngre etterfølgerne i dagens omfattende, globale selskap. "Jeg tror ikke vi ville ansette noen nå som jeg var i 1987," ler Kenneth.

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Monitor in a meeting

ERP-konsulent til Monitor ERP Norge

Ledige stillinger Karriere

Vi søker deg med bred kompetanse fra produksjonsindustri og bedriftssystemer til en selvstendig og fleksibel jobb med store utviklingsmuligheter!

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