How does Factoring work?
The integration enables export of invoices and customer data from Monitor ERP to banks and factoring companies.
The following banks/factoring companies are supported for invoice export:
Monitor G5
- Handelsbanken Finans
- Swedbank PayEx
Monitor G4
- SEB Finans
- Nordea Finans
- Danske Bank
- Intrum Justitia
- Handelsbanken Finans
- Swedbank PayEx

What do you need to get started with an integration?
You need access to Full Access API, and you need API licenses. Keep in mind that, if 'Monitor Full Access API' is being used to write to the ERP System, by another party’s application, all of the application’s users/clients must have their own API license in the ERP System. Get in touch with us to find out how we can help.