Effective time recording – a necessity for Borins AB
For the Swedish company Borins AB, which is known for its broad range of high-quality products and services, Monitor’s TimeCard plays an essential role. By using TimeCard, Borins AB’s employees can easily record their working hours directly on specific work orders, which means that they no longer need to separately record different working tasks.
– We started using Monitor ERP in 2024 and we have used the TimeCard option since then. TimeCard is vital for us as it saves both time and manual work, says Birgitta Borin, head of human resources and finance at Borins AB.
Borins offers a wide range of services, from manufacturing in the workshop to customized products and services, both in the workshop and out in the field with the customer. With such a large variety of working tasks, such as manufacturing, repairs, and maintenance, it is necessary to have an ERP system that can manage and keep track of working hours in a structured way.
TimeCard is vital for us as it saves both time and manual work
– TimeCard helps our employees record their time spent on a particular work order instead of recording multiple working tasks. This makes it possible for them to create a detailed and precise overview of how their time has been used for each specific task or project, making it easier for both invoicing and payroll management, says Birgitta.
One of the biggest advantages of TimeCard is its flexibility. Birgitta explains that they have chosen to use different part numbers depending on whether the work is carried out in the workshop or with a customer, which makes it possible to customize time recording based on their specific needs. The system also includes indirect time and absence, giving a complete overview of hours worked per employee.
– As well as simplifying the daily management of working tasks, TimeCard has also simplified the recording process. Monitor has developed a tailored report for us which gathers all time recordings for a specific order, and which can be used as an invoice basis, making it much easier for us, explains Birgitta.